​Age Groups
“Ladybugs” 6 months-12 months (non-walkers)
“Caterpillars” (walkers) 12 months-24 months
“Grasshoppers” 2-3 years
"Honeybees" 3-4years​
Each class caps at 12 children.
PreK prep (drop off) 3-4years
2024 Sessions Now Available!
HVPT offers two types of classes in multiple age brackets. We provide multiple times a week to attend class or open play to allow flexibility for our participating families.
All parent/child classes are 50 minutes long. Classes are offered in 7-8 week sessions with five sessions per year. Class price is $145 per 7-8 week session. We offer a dicount of 25% for registering multiple children. Discount is built in for the same age group. For different ages please email for code.
PreK prep is a drop off program to prepare 3-4 year olds for PreK readiness. This program is $139/month or $1,200 for the school year (built in discount when paid in full)
Class Schedules
2024 class schedule
​Birthday Parties and More!
​Saturdays or Sundays 2 hr party
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